Tuesday 11 March 2014

Omnibus II Plenary Passage finally complete - sealed with a sneeze...

I'll keep this post petite et doux, just like myself - Omnibus II was passed through the EU Parliamentary Plenary vote today by 560 votes to 113 against (11.18am on the scrollable text on BBC). Never in doubt...

While Burkhard Balz was naturally exultant in his victory speech, there should be little surprise that the opposition to the amended text was skippered by Sven Giegold, who continues to hold the line that the industry and member-state lobbyists have gotten too-sweet a deal, and calling the resulting compromises "actuarially questionable" (at least that's what Google reckons "versicherungsmathematisch fragwürdig manipuliert" means!). If this is the Green Party line, it may make up the majority of the opposition number.

Emerging from the debate is also the rather unsubtle signalling of what the delegated acts should contain (proportionality in particular), an acknowledgement of the dire state of legislative practice in this instance, and even a few words on keeping technical standards out of Parliament's hemisphere from the Croatian contingent (welcome to the party!)

Herr Balz signed off with a promise to "concretize" proportionality within the acts (thanks again Google!), but not before reiterating that the changes compelled to insurers' capital bases by this version of Solvency II are "sicherlich kein Pappenstiel"...


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